Thursday, April 23, 2015

What do you want to do?

Everyday I want to get better, be better at what it is that I do. Better painter, better illustrator, better husband, better father, better son, brother, friend, etc. Not an uncommon aspiration - throughout my life I have been a sucker for self help and motivational writers and speech makers. Seth Godin is my man right now and Seth has developed a course "Move Up" to motivate freelancers to - well, move up in the world. Define and go for what you want. His first assignment is to answer the following questions and to answer them publicly. Hence the reason for my post. Here goes -

Q1. What do you want to do?
Q2. Who do you want to change and how do you want to change them?
Q3. How much are you willing to risk (scale 1-10) to make the change you seek?
Q4. How much work are you willing to do to get there?
Q5. Does this project matter enough to justify the risk and effort you are putting into it?
Q6. Is it possible?

A1. I want to create remarkable art. Definition of remarkable - :  worthy of being remarked or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary. That is what I want to do. Specifically I want to create images of sports figures and music, movie, and tv icons. I want to have my work published in Sports Illustrated and other such national print media. I want to master the art of painting and continue to improve my drawing skills every day. I want to create art that people are compelled to own. To do this I must become a master at my craft.

A2. I want to change the people that like my art into a tribe that can't get enough and can't wait to see what is next. I want them to be moved to laugh, to remark, or to remember. 

A3. Well I figure 10 is life or death, 9 is probably risking limbs or at least digits - so I'll say I am an 8.

A4. I work 10-12 hours a day now. Although not always with a singular purpose or big picture in mind. I admit to sometimes doing busy work. This course is providing a new spark and I feel the excitement of a clear direction and defined focus.

A5. I think it does. It certainly gives me a sense of purpose and I hope my work will be enjoyed by many for years and years to come

A6. Yes it's possible. 

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